原譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察,還包括腦功能造影,高德伯對額葉功能的看法給這些症候群帶來了新的詮釋,在臨床的治療上非常重要。(P-17)
原文:Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions. Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes. Much evidence is adduced in favor of this, not only from clinical observation and testing, but from the latest results in functional brain imaging, and Goldberg’s insights here illuminate these syndromes in a new way, and may be very important in clinical practice.(P-X)
試譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)的遲鈍、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)的衝動、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)的分心、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)持續重複的行為、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症的缺乏同理心或心智理論等,高德伯認為,由於共振、繼發性的擾亂等原因,大部分狀況都可以透過額葉的功能來了解。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察或試驗,還包括腦功能造影最新的結果以及高德伯對額葉功能的看法,以新的方式來說明這些症候群,可能在臨床的治療上非常重要。
1. 關於Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.原譯者譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。實際上這句話主要的意思應該是how other conditions may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.顯然原譯者粗心,未搞清楚原意,而把整句意思弄錯了。故試改譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。
2. 原意者漏譯許多病症之主要病徵,如Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes.原譯者譯成:帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因;同時漏譯as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances,即為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,讓讀者只看見這些病症,卻無法知悉患者患了這些病有哪些不一樣的行為表現,以及為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,如此不忠於原著的譯法,又讓讀者摸不著頭緒,似乎不宜。