原文:Babies double their birth weight between birth and four month of age. They triple their birth weight by one year of age.(p.185)
評析: 原譯者將They triple their birth weight by one year of age譯成到一歲時,體重增加了三倍。此處triple their birth weight應該是變成出生時體重的三倍,顯然是一個粗心的誤譯。
原文:One of these nuclei, INAH-3, is about twice as large in men as it is in women. (p.207)
評析:原譯者將is about twice as large in men as it is in women.譯成男生比女生大了兩倍,應該是男生大約是女生的兩倍大,又是一個粗心的誤譯。原譯者對原文類似的寫法經常發生誤譯情事。
原文:LeVay’s findings received wide coverage in the media. No similar coverage was provided for the subsequent, less sensational reports that documented that LeVay had made a mistake.(p.208)
評析:原譯者將No similar coverage was provided for the subsequent, less sensational reports that documented that LeVay had made a mistake.譯成以致即使後來沒人能重複發現他的結果時,媒體也都沒有報導。顯然是看錯整句原文的意思。此處應該譯為,在那之後,媒體就沒有提出類似的報導,更別說是證明拉維的發現有錯,轟動社會的報導了。比較符合原文的意思。
2008年12月31日 星期三
2008年12月26日 星期五
15.原譯:所以,現在的關係已經不再被界定為性親密了,現在的關係定義為有團體的依附(group affiliation)。(p.174)
原文:As a result, relationships are no longer defined by sexual intimacy. Relationships today are defined by group affiliation.(p.132)
A. define根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:1.解釋;給…下定義2.使明確;使清楚3.規定,限定、確定…的界線
根據http://www.onelook.com/?w=define&ls=a 解釋為:
▸ verb: determine the nature of ("What defines a good wine?")
▸ verb: delineate the form or outline of ("The tree was clearly defined by the light")
▸ verb: give a definition for the meaning of a word ("Define `sadness'")
▸ verb: determine the essential quality of
define原譯為界定、定義,並沒有錯,只是直譯的結果使得句子有些生硬,此處,改譯為解釋、限定或determine the essential quality of似乎更能表現原文的意思。
B. affiliation根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:聯係;直屬關係。
▸ noun: the act of becoming formally connected or joined ("Welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university")
▸ noun: a social or business relationship ("A valuable financial affiliation")
此處group affiliation應該與聯係、關係有關,原譯將group affiliation譯為團體的依附,無法讓讀者體會箇中涵義;故改譯為團體的認同,較能詮釋原文的意思。
16. 原譯:保護女生最好的方法,是找出她的長處以提升她的自尊及強化她的自 信,用這個方法減低她的環境壓力。(p.194)
原文:The best way to protect a girl like Caitlyn from falling into the drug trap is to find ways to strengthen her self-confidence and self-esteem, and to de-stress her environment. (p.148)
1. 原譯者對此句之翻譯雖然簡潔通順,但她把保護女生免於發生什麼事情之最好的方式直接譯為保護女生最好的方法,事實上,按照原文The best way to protect a girl like Caitlyn from falling into the drug trap,是保護女生免於像凱特琳一樣掉入毒品陷阱最好的方法。譯者省略保護女生免於像凱特琳一樣掉入毒品陷阱這個情境,會讓讀者感覺很唐突而無法了解。
2. to find ways to strengthen her self-confidence and self-esteem, and to de-stress her environment. 此處的ways應該是方法,原譯者將之譯為長處,也許看上下文可以涵括這個意思,可是光看這一句話,很難讓讀者清楚地理解。
17. 原譯:凱特琳回答:「我告訴她我以前的感覺有多糟,我如何恨每一個人,恨我的生活。」(p.196)
原文:Caitlyn said. “I tell her about myself a little. I tell her how bad I used to feel, how I used to hate my body, hate my life.” (p.150)
評析:原譯者將how I used to hate my body, hate my life.譯成我如何恨每一個人,恨我的生活,此處hate my body應該是討厭我的身材,原譯者顯然將my body看成anybody,又是一個粗心的誤譯。
18. 原譯:教育男生毒品的危險有時會適得其反,你可能無意中刺激了原本你想削減的行為。(p.203)
原文:Educating boys about “the dangers of drugs” can be counterproductive, You may stimulate the behavior you’re trying to discourage. (p.156)
▸ verb: deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged
▸ verb: admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
▸ verb: try to prevent; show opposition to ("We should discourage this practice among our youth")
故此處discourage應該譯成阻止;阻攔、勸阻,或try to prevent; show opposition to 原譯者譯成削減未能完全表達原意。
15.原譯:所以,現在的關係已經不再被界定為性親密了,現在的關係定義為有團體的依附(group affiliation)。(p.174)
原文:As a result, relationships are no longer defined by sexual intimacy. Relationships today are defined by group affiliation.(p.132)
A. define根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:1.解釋;給…下定義2.使明確;使清楚3.規定,限定、確定…的界線
根據http://www.onelook.com/?w=define&ls=a 解釋為:
▸ verb: determine the nature of ("What defines a good wine?")
▸ verb: delineate the form or outline of ("The tree was clearly defined by the light")
▸ verb: give a definition for the meaning of a word ("Define `sadness'")
▸ verb: determine the essential quality of
define原譯為界定、定義,並沒有錯,只是直譯的結果使得句子有些生硬,此處,改譯為解釋、限定或determine the essential quality of似乎更能表現原文的意思。
B. affiliation根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:聯係;直屬關係。
▸ noun: the act of becoming formally connected or joined ("Welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university")
▸ noun: a social or business relationship ("A valuable financial affiliation")
此處group affiliation應該與聯係、關係有關,原譯將group affiliation譯為團體的依附,無法讓讀者體會箇中涵義;故改譯為團體的認同,較能詮釋原文的意思。
16. 原譯:保護女生最好的方法,是找出她的長處以提升她的自尊及強化她的自 信,用這個方法減低她的環境壓力。(p.194)
原文:The best way to protect a girl like Caitlyn from falling into the drug trap is to find ways to strengthen her self-confidence and self-esteem, and to de-stress her environment. (p.148)
1. 原譯者對此句之翻譯雖然簡潔通順,但她把保護女生免於發生什麼事情之最好的方式直接譯為保護女生最好的方法,事實上,按照原文The best way to protect a girl like Caitlyn from falling into the drug trap,是保護女生免於像凱特琳一樣掉入毒品陷阱最好的方法。譯者省略保護女生免於像凱特琳一樣掉入毒品陷阱這個情境,會讓讀者感覺很唐突而無法了解。
2. to find ways to strengthen her self-confidence and self-esteem, and to de-stress her environment. 此處的ways應該是方法,原譯者將之譯為長處,也許看上下文可以涵括這個意思,可是光看這一句話,很難讓讀者清楚地理解。
17. 原譯:凱特琳回答:「我告訴她我以前的感覺有多糟,我如何恨每一個人,恨我的生活。」(p.196)
原文:Caitlyn said. “I tell her about myself a little. I tell her how bad I used to feel, how I used to hate my body, hate my life.” (p.150)
評析:原譯者將how I used to hate my body, hate my life.譯成我如何恨每一個人,恨我的生活,此處hate my body應該是討厭我的身材,原譯者顯然將my body看成anybody,又是一個粗心的誤譯。
18. 原譯:教育男生毒品的危險有時會適得其反,你可能無意中刺激了原本你想削減的行為。(p.203)
原文:Educating boys about “the dangers of drugs” can be counterproductive, You may stimulate the behavior you’re trying to discourage. (p.156)
▸ verb: deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged
▸ verb: admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
▸ verb: try to prevent; show opposition to ("We should discourage this practice among our youth")
故此處discourage應該譯成阻止;阻攔、勸阻,或try to prevent; show opposition to 原譯者譯成削減未能完全表達原意。
2008年12月12日 星期五
原文:I have to wonder how many of these young children, boys especially, are depressed because they’re trapped in a school that just is not geared to their needs. And they have no way out.(p.98)
評析:譯者對此句之翻譯雖然簡潔通順,但她把孩子陷入憂鬱症的原因直接譯為是因為他們落入學校這個爬不出來的陷阱中,事實上,按照原文because they’re trapped in a school that just is not geared to their need. And they have no way out.是因為他們陷入一個無法提供適合他們需求的學校而找不到解決之道。譯者省略學校無法提供適合孩子需求的教育方式,會讓讀者感覺很唐突而無法了解其真正原因。雖然看上下文也許可以了解,但是作為一個忠實的譯者,如果能在簡短的語句裡,把原因表達清楚,又為何要刻意刪除,而讓讀者摸不著頭緒呢?
原文:I have to wonder how many of these young children, boys especially, are depressed because they’re trapped in a school that just is not geared to their needs. And they have no way out.(p.98)
評析:譯者對此句之翻譯雖然簡潔通順,但她把孩子陷入憂鬱症的原因直接譯為是因為他們落入學校這個爬不出來的陷阱中,事實上,按照原文because they’re trapped in a school that just is not geared to their need. And they have no way out.是因為他們陷入一個無法提供適合他們需求的學校而找不到解決之道。譯者省略學校無法提供適合孩子需求的教育方式,會讓讀者感覺很唐突而無法了解其真正原因。雖然看上下文也許可以了解,但是作為一個忠實的譯者,如果能在簡短的語句裡,把原因表達清楚,又為何要刻意刪除,而讓讀者摸不著頭緒呢?
Part 1
原文:“The career of every clinician,” Goldberg writes,”is punctuated by a few formative cases. Vladimir was my first formative case. Unwittingly, through his tragedy, he introduced me to the rich phenomena of frontal-lobe disease, triggered my interest in the frontal lobes, and so helped shape my career.”While Vladimir spent most of his time staring blankly into space (though when disturbed he might release a stream of profanities or hurl a chamberpot), Goldberg found that he could sometimes engage him with “a casually profane, locker-room-style banter…and a friendship of sorts developed between a brain-damaged student and a student of brain damage.”
改譯:「每一個臨床醫師的生涯常會穿插一些對他日後專門領域的形成有特殊影響的個案,維拉德米爾就是我這樣的第一個個案。湊巧地,透過他的不幸遭遇,他引導我進入額葉疾病的豐富领域,引發了我對這方面的興趣,有助於日後我事業的發展。維拉德米爾大部分的時間都是兩眼盯著遠方看(假如你去打攪他,他可能會發出一連串咒罵的話,甚或祭出尿壺)。高德伯發現有時可以誘導他說話,但其中充滿了鄙俗咒罵之語,或是在男生更衣間裡說的嘲弄粗野笑話......一種介於腦傷學生及研究腦傷的學生之奇怪友誼。「」評析:洪蘭未將punctuate (打標點符號、停頓)譯出,也譯不清楚 formative (對某方面形成有特殊影響的)。Front-lobe前腦或額葉譯名也得與前言其他部份統一。
Punctuate的詳細英文解釋,依照Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/formative )解釋如下,而以第二個定義 (to break into or interrupt at intervals)最符合上文:punctuatetransitive verb 1 : to mark or divide (written matter) with punctuation marks 2 : to break into or interrupt at intervals 3 : ACCENTUATE , EMPHASIZE intransitive verb : to use punctuation marks 另外一個神經科學重要單字formative,再次依照Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/formative )解釋如下,而以第一個與第三個定義最符合上文:formative1 a: giving or capable of giving form : CONSTRUCTIVE a formative influence b: used in word formation or inflection2: capable of alteration by growth and development ; also : producing new cells and tissues3: of, relating to, or characterized by formative effects or formation
Part 2
原譯:額葉是神經系統中最晚演化完成的部份,只有人類的大腦發展出這麼大的額葉(大猿〔great ape〕也有一些),有趣的是,它也是最後一個被認為是重要的大腦部份,即使當我還是醫學院學生時,它仍被稱為「寂靜的腦葉」(the silent lobe),這是因為它沒有簡單且易於被辨識的功能,像感覺和運動皮質一樣(甚至比不上聯結區〔association area〕),但卻是相當重要。它們是高層次目的行為最重要的一個地區—指認物件、投射目標、編造計畫來達成目的,組織方法使計畫得以執行、監控和判斷結果,以確定達預期目標。(p.15)
原文:The frontal lobes are the latest achievement in the evolution of the nervous system; it is only in human beings (and great apes, to some extent) that they reach so great a development. They were also, by a curious parallel, the last parts of the brain to be recognized as important—even in my own medical student days, they were called “the silent lobes.”“Silent” indeed they may be, for they lack the simple and easily identifiable functions of the more primitive parts of the cerebral cortex, the sensory and motor areas, for example (and even the “association areas” between these), but they are overwhelmingly important. They are crucial for all higher-order purposeful behavior—identifying the objective, projecting the goal, forging plans to reach it, organizing the means by which such plans can be carried out, monitoring and judging the consequences to see that all is accomplished as intended.
二、原文中的“ it is only in human beings (and great apes, to some extent) that they reach so great a development. ”,洪蘭譯為:“ 只有人類的大腦發展出這麼大的額葉(大猿〔great ape〕也有一些)”。“great development”應該不是只有指額葉的大小,更包括了構造上的演化發展。因此,我建議譯為“而且只有在人類的額葉能達到如此偉大的進化(在大猿的腦中也演化出額葉,但不及人類)”。
三、“by a curious parallel”原譯為“有趣的是” ,譯者可能是在沒有查工具書就以自己所知的英文字彙去尋找適合的翻譯,才會選擇這樣的譯法。事實上,curious的字義有難以理解的意思,建議譯為: “令人匪夷所思的是”,應該會更符合原文的語意。
四、“They are crucial for all higher-order purposeful behavior—identifying the objective, projecting the goal, forging plans to reach it, organizing the means by which such plans can be carried out, monitoring and judging the consequences to see that all is accomplished as intended. ” “它們是高層次目的行為最重要的一個地區—指認物件、投射目標、編造計畫來達成目的,組織方法使計畫得以執行、監控和判斷結果,以確定達預期目標。” 這一整段的譯文非常不通順,令讀者有深陷五里霧中之感。譯者只把原文一個字對一個字的直譯,沒有考慮上下文的文意,本文討論的主題內容。一名好的譯者應該要超脫文字的限制,要把作者的“神“抓出來。不要只是字字對譯、句句對譯。本段探討的是額葉的功能,譯者應該使用清楚明白的文字,將其功能說明清楚。此段內容,這也是本書的精髓所在,譯者實在不該草草了事。
Part 3
原譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察,還包括腦功能造影,高德伯對額葉功能的看法給這些症候群帶來了新的詮釋,在臨床的治療上非常重要。(P-17)
原文:Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions. Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes. Much evidence is adduced in favor of this, not only from clinical observation and testing, but from the latest results in functional brain imaging, and Goldberg’s insights here illuminate these syndromes in a new way, and may be very important in clinical practice.(P-X)
試譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)的遲鈍、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)的衝動、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)的分心、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)持續重複的行為、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症的缺乏同理心或心智理論等,高德伯認為,由於共振、繼發性的擾亂等原因,大部分狀況都可以透過額葉的功能來了解。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察或試驗,還包括腦功能造影最新的結果以及高德伯對額葉功能的看法,以新的方式來說明這些症候群,可能在臨床的治療上非常重要。
1. 關於Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.原譯者譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。實際上這句話主要的意思應該是how other conditions may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.顯然原譯者粗心,未搞清楚原意,而把整句意思弄錯了。故試改譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。
2. 原譯者漏譯許多病症之主要病徵,如Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes.原譯者譯成:帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因;同時漏譯as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances,即為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,讓讀者只看見這些病症,卻無法知悉患者患了這些病有哪些不一樣的行為表現,以及為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,如此不忠於原著的譯法,又讓讀者摸不著頭緒,似乎不宜。
Part 4
原譯:(P. 18)當然,這是不可能的事,所以高德伯 (那時我已經認識他了) 非常傷心地離開泰國,我很同情他,因為我也有過類似的經驗,想要帶回一隻紅毛猩猩,甚至希望我可以和牠互寄明信片問候。
原文:(P. 5)This is, of course, was impossible, and Goldberg (whom I knew by this time) was very sad that he could not do so. I felt a great sympathy for him because I had had an almost identical experience with an orangutan my self, and had more than half-wished we could at least send postcards to each other.試譯:當然,這是不可能的事,所以高德伯 (那時我已經認識他了) 對此感到非常遺憾。我非常同情他,因為我也有和紅毛猩猩互動的經驗,並且期待能突破阻礙及困難,和牠互寄明信片問候。評析:【東華英漢大字典】Sad除了有悲傷、難過、可悲的意思外,另有遺憾的意思。不能帶紅毛猩猩回紐約,除心情的難過外,更無法進一步對牠進行研究,以遺憾表現上述心境更為貼切。【Wiktionary】(Verb) To want to do something, but not quite enough to do it, in fact. Usually for some impediment. Ex. He does sometimes half wish to change his life, but it is too difficult. 所以,half wish表示須突破多重阻礙方可達成之目標,即困難度相當高。原譯:(P. 20)1995年,當我著手撰寫一篇有關科學的未成熟性 (prematurity in science) 的論文,我援引許多例子來說明當氣候未成熟時,許多先知是被忽略了,在其中,我引用了高德伯的遞變理論。1969年,高德伯第一次提出這個理論時,他的指導教授盧瑞亞認為是不可能的,但是過去十年來,研究的典範改變了 (paradigm shift,如庫恩Kuhn所說的),這個改變一部分是因為艾德曼 (Gerald Edelman) 等人的宏觀大腦功能理論 (global brain function theory) 的提出,部分則是因為神經網路的發展 (例如類神經網路模式、平行處理系統),還有一部分原因是高德伯的大腦遞變理論已逐漸被接受。原文:(P. 7)When I wrote an essay in 1995 on prematurity in science﹝O.W. Sacks, “Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞, I cited among many other examples, the failure to comprehend or see the relevance of gradiential theory when it was published; Luria himself found it incomprehensible in 1969, when Glodberg first presented it to him. But there has been a great change, a paradigm shift (as Kuhn would say) in the last decade, partly connected with theories of global brain function such as Gerald Edelman’s partly with the development of neural nets as modelling systems massively parallel computer systems, and the like, and the concept of cerebral gradients-Glodberg’s vision as a student-is now much more widely accepted.試譯:1995年,當我著手撰寫一篇有關科學的未成熟性 (prematurity in science,奧利佛薩克斯在「Hidden Histories of Science」一書中發表的文章:「盲點:被遺忘及忽略的科學」) 的論文,我援引許多例子說明當該文章發表時,為何無法理解或領會遞變理論的關係。1969年,高德伯第一次提出這個理論時,他的指導教授盧瑞亞難以領悟;但是過去十年來,研究的思維轉換 (paradigm shift,如庫恩所說的),這個改變一部分是因為艾德曼 (Gerald Edelman) 等人的宏觀大腦功能理論 (global brain function theory) 的提出,部分則是因為神經網路的發展 (例如類神經網路模式、平行計算理論),還有一部分原因是高德伯的大腦遞變理論已逐漸被接受。評析:1. ﹝O.W. Sacks, “Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞O.W. Sacks, http://www.oliversacks.com/pubs.htm為”腦袋裝了2000齣歌劇的人”作者,奧利佛.薩克斯,在”Hidden Histories of Science”一書中撰寫篇章”Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science”。Google中文搜詢無法查得,應該無中文版;但仍須對原文內容交待,而非整句漏譯,故建議試譯為:「盲點:被遺忘及忽略的科學」。2. 【東華英漢大字典】gradient為(1) 坡度,公路,河道的斜面(2) 溫度或壓力的梯度變化曲線(3) 數學:斜率(4) 生物:軸性梯度,生理梯度gradiential theory,包括醫學字典在內的所有字典均查不到,譯者翻為「遞變理論」,是否比生理梯度理論要專業簡潔易懂,須請洪教授指導。3. 【Cambridge Dictionary】incomprehensible (adjective)impossible or extremely difficult to understand4. 【香港Yahoo字典】paradigm shift(1) 思維轉換(美國哲學家庫恩首次在他的極具經典之作《科學革命的架構》中提出。庫恩在書中闡釋,每一項科學研究的重大突破,幾乎都是先打破道統,打破舊思惟,而後才成功的)(2) 台灣譯作範式轉移/典範轉移/規範轉移5. Gerald Edelman 艾德曼諾貝爾獎得主,曾提出著名的「神經進化論」,即在腦部發展的早期階段,神經元根據基因遺傳的指令,在腦中特定的通道自由運行。有些神經元會分化增生或死亡,有些則固定於某位置,並於周遭的神經元產生連結,形成複雜的大腦迴路(circuitry)。其反應了個人遺傳特質與生活經驗,最重要的是迴路連結的強弱取決於其是否經常被使用。神經連結可以處理感官刺激的輸入,對外在環境作出有效的行為反應。而沒有發揮功能的神經元則會相繼死亡,就像是自然淘汰(natural selection)般,只留下最能因應需求的神經元。個體重複越多的活動(如打網球、背書等),與相關的神經元便越是活躍,無形中強化了其所組成的神經連結,並形成緊密的迴路。所謂「用進廢退」,若凡事都貪圖方便,過於簡略操作步驟,結果反而會忽略了大腦迴路的使用,神經連結將不再具適應性,且會逐漸萎縮、消滅,我們也將失去其所負責的能力或變得生疏。
Part 1
原文:“The career of every clinician,” Goldberg writes,”is punctuated by a few formative cases. Vladimir was my first formative case. Unwittingly, through his tragedy, he introduced me to the rich phenomena of frontal-lobe disease, triggered my interest in the frontal lobes, and so helped shape my career.”While Vladimir spent most of his time staring blankly into space (though when disturbed he might release a stream of profanities or hurl a chamberpot), Goldberg found that he could sometimes engage him with “a casually profane, locker-room-style banter…and a friendship of sorts developed between a brain-damaged student and a student of brain damage.”
改譯:「每一個臨床醫師的生涯常會穿插一些對他日後專門領域的形成有特殊影響的個案,維拉德米爾就是我這樣的第一個個案。湊巧地,透過他的不幸遭遇,他引導我進入額葉疾病的豐富领域,引發了我對這方面的興趣,有助於日後我事業的發展。維拉德米爾大部分的時間都是兩眼盯著遠方看(假如你去打攪他,他可能會發出一連串咒罵的話,甚或祭出尿壺)。高德伯發現有時可以誘導他說話,但其中充滿了鄙俗咒罵之語,或是在男生更衣間裡說的嘲弄粗野笑話......一種介於腦傷學生及研究腦傷的學生之奇怪友誼。「」評析:洪蘭未將punctuate (打標點符號、停頓)譯出,也譯不清楚 formative (對某方面形成有特殊影響的)。Front-lobe前腦或額葉譯名也得與前言其他部份統一。
Punctuate的詳細英文解釋,依照Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/formative )解釋如下,而以第二個定義 (to break into or interrupt at intervals)最符合上文:punctuatetransitive verb 1 : to mark or divide (written matter) with punctuation marks 2 : to break into or interrupt at intervals 3 : ACCENTUATE , EMPHASIZE intransitive verb : to use punctuation marks 另外一個神經科學重要單字formative,再次依照Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/formative )解釋如下,而以第一個與第三個定義最符合上文:formative1 a: giving or capable of giving form : CONSTRUCTIVE a formative influence b: used in word formation or inflection2: capable of alteration by growth and development ; also : producing new cells and tissues3: of, relating to, or characterized by formative effects or formation
Part 2
原譯:額葉是神經系統中最晚演化完成的部份,只有人類的大腦發展出這麼大的額葉(大猿〔great ape〕也有一些),有趣的是,它也是最後一個被認為是重要的大腦部份,即使當我還是醫學院學生時,它仍被稱為「寂靜的腦葉」(the silent lobe),這是因為它沒有簡單且易於被辨識的功能,像感覺和運動皮質一樣(甚至比不上聯結區〔association area〕),但卻是相當重要。它們是高層次目的行為最重要的一個地區—指認物件、投射目標、編造計畫來達成目的,組織方法使計畫得以執行、監控和判斷結果,以確定達預期目標。(p.15)
原文:The frontal lobes are the latest achievement in the evolution of the nervous system; it is only in human beings (and great apes, to some extent) that they reach so great a development. They were also, by a curious parallel, the last parts of the brain to be recognized as important—even in my own medical student days, they were called “the silent lobes.”“Silent” indeed they may be, for they lack the simple and easily identifiable functions of the more primitive parts of the cerebral cortex, the sensory and motor areas, for example (and even the “association areas” between these), but they are overwhelmingly important. They are crucial for all higher-order purposeful behavior—identifying the objective, projecting the goal, forging plans to reach it, organizing the means by which such plans can be carried out, monitoring and judging the consequences to see that all is accomplished as intended.
二、原文中的“ it is only in human beings (and great apes, to some extent) that they reach so great a development. ”,洪蘭譯為:“ 只有人類的大腦發展出這麼大的額葉(大猿〔great ape〕也有一些)”。“great development”應該不是只有指額葉的大小,更包括了構造上的演化發展。因此,我建議譯為“而且只有在人類的額葉能達到如此偉大的進化(在大猿的腦中也演化出額葉,但不及人類)”。
三、“by a curious parallel”原譯為“有趣的是” ,譯者可能是在沒有查工具書就以自己所知的英文字彙去尋找適合的翻譯,才會選擇這樣的譯法。事實上,curious的字義有難以理解的意思,建議譯為: “令人匪夷所思的是”,應該會更符合原文的語意。
四、“They are crucial for all higher-order purposeful behavior—identifying the objective, projecting the goal, forging plans to reach it, organizing the means by which such plans can be carried out, monitoring and judging the consequences to see that all is accomplished as intended. ” “它們是高層次目的行為最重要的一個地區—指認物件、投射目標、編造計畫來達成目的,組織方法使計畫得以執行、監控和判斷結果,以確定達預期目標。” 這一整段的譯文非常不通順,令讀者有深陷五里霧中之感。譯者只把原文一個字對一個字的直譯,沒有考慮上下文的文意,本文討論的主題內容。一名好的譯者應該要超脫文字的限制,要把作者的“神“抓出來。不要只是字字對譯、句句對譯。本段探討的是額葉的功能,譯者應該使用清楚明白的文字,將其功能說明清楚。此段內容,這也是本書的精髓所在,譯者實在不該草草了事。
Part 3
原譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察,還包括腦功能造影,高德伯對額葉功能的看法給這些症候群帶來了新的詮釋,在臨床的治療上非常重要。(P-17)
原文:Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions. Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes. Much evidence is adduced in favor of this, not only from clinical observation and testing, but from the latest results in functional brain imaging, and Goldberg’s insights here illuminate these syndromes in a new way, and may be very important in clinical practice.(P-X)
試譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)的遲鈍、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)的衝動、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)的分心、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)持續重複的行為、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症的缺乏同理心或心智理論等,高德伯認為,由於共振、繼發性的擾亂等原因,大部分狀況都可以透過額葉的功能來了解。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察或試驗,還包括腦功能造影最新的結果以及高德伯對額葉功能的看法,以新的方式來說明這些症候群,可能在臨床的治療上非常重要。
1. 關於Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.原譯者譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。實際上這句話主要的意思應該是how other conditions may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.顯然原譯者粗心,未搞清楚原意,而把整句意思弄錯了。故試改譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。
2. 原譯者漏譯許多病症之主要病徵,如Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes.原譯者譯成:帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因;同時漏譯as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances,即為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,讓讀者只看見這些病症,卻無法知悉患者患了這些病有哪些不一樣的行為表現,以及為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,如此不忠於原著的譯法,又讓讀者摸不著頭緒,似乎不宜。
Part 4
原譯:(P. 18)當然,這是不可能的事,所以高德伯 (那時我已經認識他了) 非常傷心地離開泰國,我很同情他,因為我也有過類似的經驗,想要帶回一隻紅毛猩猩,甚至希望我可以和牠互寄明信片問候。
原文:(P. 5)This is, of course, was impossible, and Goldberg (whom I knew by this time) was very sad that he could not do so. I felt a great sympathy for him because I had had an almost identical experience with an orangutan my self, and had more than half-wished we could at least send postcards to each other.試譯:當然,這是不可能的事,所以高德伯 (那時我已經認識他了) 對此感到非常遺憾。我非常同情他,因為我也有和紅毛猩猩互動的經驗,並且期待能突破阻礙及困難,和牠互寄明信片問候。評析:【東華英漢大字典】Sad除了有悲傷、難過、可悲的意思外,另有遺憾的意思。不能帶紅毛猩猩回紐約,除心情的難過外,更無法進一步對牠進行研究,以遺憾表現上述心境更為貼切。【Wiktionary】(Verb) To want to do something, but not quite enough to do it, in fact. Usually for some impediment. Ex. He does sometimes half wish to change his life, but it is too difficult. 所以,half wish表示須突破多重阻礙方可達成之目標,即困難度相當高。原譯:(P. 20)1995年,當我著手撰寫一篇有關科學的未成熟性 (prematurity in science) 的論文,我援引許多例子來說明當氣候未成熟時,許多先知是被忽略了,在其中,我引用了高德伯的遞變理論。1969年,高德伯第一次提出這個理論時,他的指導教授盧瑞亞認為是不可能的,但是過去十年來,研究的典範改變了 (paradigm shift,如庫恩Kuhn所說的),這個改變一部分是因為艾德曼 (Gerald Edelman) 等人的宏觀大腦功能理論 (global brain function theory) 的提出,部分則是因為神經網路的發展 (例如類神經網路模式、平行處理系統),還有一部分原因是高德伯的大腦遞變理論已逐漸被接受。原文:(P. 7)When I wrote an essay in 1995 on prematurity in science﹝O.W. Sacks, “Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞, I cited among many other examples, the failure to comprehend or see the relevance of gradiential theory when it was published; Luria himself found it incomprehensible in 1969, when Glodberg first presented it to him. But there has been a great change, a paradigm shift (as Kuhn would say) in the last decade, partly connected with theories of global brain function such as Gerald Edelman’s partly with the development of neural nets as modelling systems massively parallel computer systems, and the like, and the concept of cerebral gradients-Glodberg’s vision as a student-is now much more widely accepted.試譯:1995年,當我著手撰寫一篇有關科學的未成熟性 (prematurity in science,奧利佛薩克斯在「Hidden Histories of Science」一書中發表的文章:「盲點:被遺忘及忽略的科學」) 的論文,我援引許多例子說明當該文章發表時,為何無法理解或領會遞變理論的關係。1969年,高德伯第一次提出這個理論時,他的指導教授盧瑞亞難以領悟;但是過去十年來,研究的思維轉換 (paradigm shift,如庫恩所說的),這個改變一部分是因為艾德曼 (Gerald Edelman) 等人的宏觀大腦功能理論 (global brain function theory) 的提出,部分則是因為神經網路的發展 (例如類神經網路模式、平行計算理論),還有一部分原因是高德伯的大腦遞變理論已逐漸被接受。評析:1. ﹝O.W. Sacks, “Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞O.W. Sacks, http://www.oliversacks.com/pubs.htm為”腦袋裝了2000齣歌劇的人”作者,奧利佛.薩克斯,在”Hidden Histories of Science”一書中撰寫篇章”Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science”。Google中文搜詢無法查得,應該無中文版;但仍須對原文內容交待,而非整句漏譯,故建議試譯為:「盲點:被遺忘及忽略的科學」。2. 【東華英漢大字典】gradient為(1) 坡度,公路,河道的斜面(2) 溫度或壓力的梯度變化曲線(3) 數學:斜率(4) 生物:軸性梯度,生理梯度gradiential theory,包括醫學字典在內的所有字典均查不到,譯者翻為「遞變理論」,是否比生理梯度理論要專業簡潔易懂,須請洪教授指導。3. 【Cambridge Dictionary】incomprehensible (adjective)impossible or extremely difficult to understand4. 【香港Yahoo字典】paradigm shift(1) 思維轉換(美國哲學家庫恩首次在他的極具經典之作《科學革命的架構》中提出。庫恩在書中闡釋,每一項科學研究的重大突破,幾乎都是先打破道統,打破舊思惟,而後才成功的)(2) 台灣譯作範式轉移/典範轉移/規範轉移5. Gerald Edelman 艾德曼諾貝爾獎得主,曾提出著名的「神經進化論」,即在腦部發展的早期階段,神經元根據基因遺傳的指令,在腦中特定的通道自由運行。有些神經元會分化增生或死亡,有些則固定於某位置,並於周遭的神經元產生連結,形成複雜的大腦迴路(circuitry)。其反應了個人遺傳特質與生活經驗,最重要的是迴路連結的強弱取決於其是否經常被使用。神經連結可以處理感官刺激的輸入,對外在環境作出有效的行為反應。而沒有發揮功能的神經元則會相繼死亡,就像是自然淘汰(natural selection)般,只留下最能因應需求的神經元。個體重複越多的活動(如打網球、背書等),與相關的神經元便越是活躍,無形中強化了其所組成的神經連結,並形成緊密的迴路。所謂「用進廢退」,若凡事都貪圖方便,過於簡略操作步驟,結果反而會忽略了大腦迴路的使用,神經連結將不再具適應性,且會逐漸萎縮、消滅,我們也將失去其所負責的能力或變得生疏。
2008年11月28日 星期五
原文:Differences between girls and boys are natural. Those differences should be acknowledged, accepted, and exploited for educational purposes.(p.63)
▸ verb: accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority ("The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne")▸ verb: accept as legally binding and valid ("Acknowledge the deed")▸ verb: express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for ("We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us")▸ verb: report the receipt of ("The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper")▸ verb: declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of ("She acknowledged that she might have forgotten")▸ verb: express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with ("He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway")
此處應為承認或確認或accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority,原譯為我們應該認識,似乎是把acknowledge看成了knowledge,意思有些許不同。
▸ noun: a notable achievement▸ verb: use or manipulate to one's advantage ("He exploit the new taxation system")▸ verb: draw from; make good use of ("We must exploit the resources we are given wisely")▸ verb: work excessively hard ("He is exploiting the students")
此處exploited顯然應解釋為(為發揮人或事物的效能而)利用或draw from; make good use ,故原譯為探索應是誤譯並不恰當。
原文:Some school are taking these prohibitions to the extreme, banning even games like tag.(p.64)
根據http://www.onelook.com/?w=heavy-duty&ls=a解釋為 解釋為
▸ noun: (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)▸ noun: a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser▸ noun: a label made of cardboard or plastic or metal▸ noun: a small piece of cloth or paper▸ verb: provide with a name or nickname▸ verb: attach a tag or label to▸ verb: touch a player while he is holding the ball▸ verb: supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes▸ verb: go after with the intent to catch▸ name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #77374)
故此處tag應該是(兒童的)捉人遊戲或 a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser,原譯者顯然把tag看成了tug而誤譯成:拔河,因為tug of war就是所謂的拔河。
原文:Differences between girls and boys are natural. Those differences should be acknowledged, accepted, and exploited for educational purposes.(p.63)
▸ verb: accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority ("The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne")▸ verb: accept as legally binding and valid ("Acknowledge the deed")▸ verb: express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for ("We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us")▸ verb: report the receipt of ("The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper")▸ verb: declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of ("She acknowledged that she might have forgotten")▸ verb: express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with ("He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway")
此處應為承認或確認或accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority,原譯為我們應該認識,似乎是把acknowledge看成了knowledge,意思有些許不同。
▸ noun: a notable achievement▸ verb: use or manipulate to one's advantage ("He exploit the new taxation system")▸ verb: draw from; make good use of ("We must exploit the resources we are given wisely")▸ verb: work excessively hard ("He is exploiting the students")
此處exploited顯然應解釋為(為發揮人或事物的效能而)利用或draw from; make good use ,故原譯為探索應是誤譯並不恰當。
原文:Some school are taking these prohibitions to the extreme, banning even games like tag.(p.64)
根據http://www.onelook.com/?w=heavy-duty&ls=a解釋為 解釋為
▸ noun: (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)▸ noun: a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser▸ noun: a label made of cardboard or plastic or metal▸ noun: a small piece of cloth or paper▸ verb: provide with a name or nickname▸ verb: attach a tag or label to▸ verb: touch a player while he is holding the ball▸ verb: supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes▸ verb: go after with the intent to catch▸ name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #77374)
故此處tag應該是(兒童的)捉人遊戲或 a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser,原譯者顯然把tag看成了tug而誤譯成:拔河,因為tug of war就是所謂的拔河。
2008年11月27日 星期四
原譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察,還包括腦功能造影,高德伯對額葉功能的看法給這些症候群帶來了新的詮釋,在臨床的治療上非常重要。(P-17)
原文:Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions. Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes. Much evidence is adduced in favor of this, not only from clinical observation and testing, but from the latest results in functional brain imaging, and Goldberg’s insights here illuminate these syndromes in a new way, and may be very important in clinical practice.(P-X)
試譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)的遲鈍、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)的衝動、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)的分心、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)持續重複的行為、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症的缺乏同理心或心智理論等,高德伯認為,由於共振、繼發性的擾亂等原因,大部分狀況都可以透過額葉的功能來了解。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察或試驗,還包括腦功能造影最新的結果以及高德伯對額葉功能的看法,以新的方式來說明這些症候群,可能在臨床的治療上非常重要。
1. 關於Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.原譯者譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。實際上這句話主要的意思應該是how other conditions may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.顯然原譯者粗心,未搞清楚原意,而把整句意思弄錯了。故試改譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。
2. 原意者漏譯許多病症之主要病徵,如Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes.原譯者譯成:帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因;同時漏譯as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances,即為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,讓讀者只看見這些病症,卻無法知悉患者患了這些病有哪些不一樣的行為表現,以及為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,如此不忠於原著的譯法,又讓讀者摸不著頭緒,似乎不宜。
原譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察,還包括腦功能造影,高德伯對額葉功能的看法給這些症候群帶來了新的詮釋,在臨床的治療上非常重要。(P-17)
原文:Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions. Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes. Much evidence is adduced in favor of this, not only from clinical observation and testing, but from the latest results in functional brain imaging, and Goldberg’s insights here illuminate these syndromes in a new way, and may be very important in clinical practice.(P-X)
試譯:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。因此,帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)的遲鈍、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)的衝動、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)的分心、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)持續重複的行為、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症的缺乏同理心或心智理論等,高德伯認為,由於共振、繼發性的擾亂等原因,大部分狀況都可以透過額葉的功能來了解。現在已有很多證據支持這個看法,不僅是從臨床的觀察或試驗,還包括腦功能造影最新的結果以及高德伯對額葉功能的看法,以新的方式來說明這些症候群,可能在臨床的治療上非常重要。
1. 關於Goldberg also brings out how, because of the unique richness of the frontal lobes’s connections to different parts of the brain, other conditions which have their primary pathology elsewhere, even in the subcortex, may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.原譯者譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯也讓我們看見其他地方的病變(甚至皮質下的病變)會引起額葉功能的缺失。實際上這句話主要的意思應該是how other conditions may evoke or present as frontal lobe dysfunctions.顯然原譯者粗心,未搞清楚原意,而把整句意思弄錯了。故試改譯為:由於額葉與大腦其他地方都有密切聯結,所以高德伯提出,當額葉功能缺失時,其他病狀,即腦部其他地方原有的病變(甚至皮質下的病變),會如何顯現。
2. 原意者漏譯許多病症之主要病徵,如Thus the inertia of parkinsonism, the impulsiveness of Tourette’s syndrome, the distractibility of ADHD, the perseveration of OCD, the lack of empathy or “theory of mind” in autism or chronic schizophrenia, can all be understood, in large part, Goldberg feels, as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances, in the function of the frontal lobes.原譯者譯成:帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)、妥瑞氏症(Tourette’s syndrome)、注意力缺失過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)、自閉症或慢性精神分裂症都可以透過額葉的功能來了解它們各自缺失的原因;同時漏譯as due to the resonances, the secondary disturbances,即為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,讓讀者只看見這些病症,卻無法知悉患者患了這些病有哪些不一樣的行為表現,以及為何可以透過額葉了解這些病症的原因,如此不忠於原著的譯法,又讓讀者摸不著頭緒,似乎不宜。
2008年11月14日 星期五
9. 原譯:每個孩子都是獨特的,我也並不是說所有的男生都一樣或所有的女生都一樣。儘管每個還子都是獨特且複雜的,但在面對這樣獨一無二的特性時,我們也不該忽視性別是兒童發展上兩個組織原則(organizing principle)之一—另一個組織原則是年齡。假如你想了解一個孩子但不知道他的年齡和性別,就像少了手電筒在黑夜裡摸黑找路一樣的行不通。(p.59~60)
原文:Every child is unique. I’m not saying that all boys are the same or that all girls are the same. But the fact that each child is unique and complex should not blind us to the fact that gender is one of the two great organizing principles in child development—the other principle being age. Trying to understand a child without understanding the role of gender in child development is like trying to understand a child’s behavior without knowing the child’s age.(p.35)
試譯:每個孩子都是獨特的,我也並不是說所有的男生都一樣或所有的女生都一樣。儘管每個還子都是獨特且複雜的,但在面對這樣獨一無二的特性時,我們也不該忽視性別是兒童發展上兩個組織原則(organizing principle)之一—另一個組織原則是年齡。假如你想要了解一個孩子但不知道性別在孩子的發展所扮演的角色,就如同想要了解孩子的行為卻不知道孩子的年齡一般,無法得出一個正確的結果。
評析:根據原文Trying to understand a child without understanding the role of gender in child development is like trying to understand a child’s behavior without knowing the child’s age.應該是假如你想要了解一個孩子但不知道性別在孩子的發展所扮演的角色,就如同想要了解孩子的行為卻不知道孩子的年齡一般(意味著無法得出一個正確的結果)。並沒有就像少了手電筒在黑夜裡摸黑找路一樣的行不通。我想原譯者除了過度詮釋,還誤譯這句話的意思。
原文:When his friends come by and ask him to go riding, he’ll look like a wimp if he says, “I can’t go because I promised my father I wouldn’t.” In the “boy code,” honoring a promise made to a parent is a sign of weakness. But the “boy code” respects a heavy-duty woven-steel cable lock.(p.54)
But the “boy code” respects a heavy-duty woven-steel cable lock,原譯為
▸ adjective: designed for heavy work ("A heavy-duty detergent")
原文: Have you ever tried to hit an archery target using a bow and arrow? Imagine that you are trying to hit that target, but instead of a bow and arrow you have only a wooden spear—twice as long as a baseball bat—and you have to throw it at the target from a distance of thirty yards(p.56)
noun: the sport of shooting arrows with a bow。
二、twice as long as a baseball bat,原譯為一根比棒球棍長二倍的木製尖棍,按照原文的意思應為棒球棍的兩倍長,原譯者顯然誤譯了。
9. 原譯:每個孩子都是獨特的,我也並不是說所有的男生都一樣或所有的女生都一樣。儘管每個還子都是獨特且複雜的,但在面對這樣獨一無二的特性時,我們也不該忽視性別是兒童發展上兩個組織原則(organizing principle)之一—另一個組織原則是年齡。假如你想了解一個孩子但不知道他的年齡和性別,就像少了手電筒在黑夜裡摸黑找路一樣的行不通。(p.59~60)
原文:Every child is unique. I’m not saying that all boys are the same or that all girls are the same. But the fact that each child is unique and complex should not blind us to the fact that gender is one of the two great organizing principles in child development—the other principle being age. Trying to understand a child without understanding the role of gender in child development is like trying to understand a child’s behavior without knowing the child’s age.(p.35)
試譯:每個孩子都是獨特的,我也並不是說所有的男生都一樣或所有的女生都一樣。儘管每個還子都是獨特且複雜的,但在面對這樣獨一無二的特性時,我們也不該忽視性別是兒童發展上兩個組織原則(organizing principle)之一—另一個組織原則是年齡。假如你想要了解一個孩子但不知道性別在孩子的發展所扮演的角色,就如同想要了解孩子的行為卻不知道孩子的年齡一般,無法得出一個正確的結果。
評析:根據原文Trying to understand a child without understanding the role of gender in child development is like trying to understand a child’s behavior without knowing the child’s age.應該是假如你想要了解一個孩子但不知道性別在孩子的發展所扮演的角色,就如同想要了解孩子的行為卻不知道孩子的年齡一般(意味著無法得出一個正確的結果)。並沒有就像少了手電筒在黑夜裡摸黑找路一樣的行不通。我想原譯者除了過度詮釋,還誤譯這句話的意思。
原文:When his friends come by and ask him to go riding, he’ll look like a wimp if he says, “I can’t go because I promised my father I wouldn’t.” In the “boy code,” honoring a promise made to a parent is a sign of weakness. But the “boy code” respects a heavy-duty woven-steel cable lock.(p.54)
But the “boy code” respects a heavy-duty woven-steel cable lock,原譯為
▸ adjective: designed for heavy work ("A heavy-duty detergent")
原文: Have you ever tried to hit an archery target using a bow and arrow? Imagine that you are trying to hit that target, but instead of a bow and arrow you have only a wooden spear—twice as long as a baseball bat—and you have to throw it at the target from a distance of thirty yards(p.56)
noun: the sport of shooting arrows with a bow。
二、twice as long as a baseball bat,原譯為一根比棒球棍長二倍的木製尖棍,按照原文的意思應為棒球棍的兩倍長,原譯者顯然誤譯了。
2008年11月10日 星期一
Group Assignment - Translation of Paragraphs from “ Mapping The Mind”
Group Assignment - Translation of Paragraphs from “ Mapping The Mind”
Part I
原文:The challenge of mapping this world--locating the precise brain activity that creates specific experiences and behavioural responses—is currently engaging some of the finest scientists in the world. This book brings news of their discoveries in a way that will make them comprehensible even to those with no knowledge of, or specific interest in, science.(P-1)
1. locating the precise brain activity that creates specific experiences and behavioural responses原譯為特定區域的腦部活動會創造出特定的經驗與行為反應,並未將locating譯出,使得上下文不連貫,顯得這句話有點突兀。
2. is currently engaging some of the finest scientists in the world.原譯為目前吸引了全球最優秀的科學家們日以繼夜的工作。看原文並未提及科學家們日以繼夜的工作。我想譯者又過度詮釋了。3. This book brings news of their discoveries in a way that will make them comprehensible even to those with no knowledge of, or specific interest in, science.原譯為本書的目的就是想把這些新訊息帶給大眾,包括原來不具背景知識,或對科學沒有興趣的人。原譯者並未將in a way that will make them comprehensible譯出,意思表達有些模糊。
Part II
原譯:當然,在歷史上,人們一直想要達到這樣的夢想 –用藥物、尋找刺激和禪坐的方式來改變我們的意識。而現在,透過大腦地圖有可能達到上述的目的,而且沒有壞的副作用。這對於個人、社會和政治上的意義非常重大。這個新世紀我們所要面對的最大的道德倫理挑戰,就是要決定該怎麼應用這個新工具。(P-14)
原文:This is an old ambition, of course, reflected in our perpetual attempts to alter our consciousness through drugs, sensation-seeking and self-entrancement. What is new is that brain mapping may soon makes it possible without any of the usual drawbacks. The personal, social and political implications of this are awesome, and one of the most serious ethical questions we will face in the new century is deciding how this powerful new tool should be deployed.(P-2)
評析:Self-entrancement 翻為禪坐不適當,字尾trance的意思包括催眠狀態。冥想以及一鐘類似神志昏迷的狀態
See: http://www.answers.com/topic/trance - trance
1. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.
2. Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.
3. A semiconscious state, as between sleeping and waking; a daze.tr.v., tranced, trancing, trances.To put into a trance; entrance.[Middle English traunce, from Old French transe, passage, fear, vision, from transir, to die, be numb with fear, from Latin trānsīre, to go over or across. See transient.]trancelike trance'like' adj.
Part III
原文:The more optimistic of today’s brain explorer believe that when , or if, all of this is brought together – when each minute brain component has been located, its function identified and its interaction with each other component made clear– the resulting description will contain all there is to know about human nature and experience. Others think this reductionist approach will never fully explain why we feel and behave as we do, let alone yield the secret of the brain’s most extraordinary product – consciousness. By their lights, a map of the brain can tell us no more about the mind than a terrestrial globe speaks of Heaven and Hell. (P-3)
評析:minute在當形容詞的時候,指的是 immeasurably small,所以原文 《when each minute brain component has been located, its function identified and its interaction with each other component made clear…》洪蘭翻譯為《假如能夠知道每一分鐘大腦零件在做什麼 它跟別的部位的互動又是什麼時 》應為誤譯。這是本段譯文中,最重大的錯誤。
洪蘭之所以會犯這樣的錯誤應該是因為譯者本身英文程度有限..見到whenevery minute brain component... 就直接以為when every minute...一定是搭配在一起的...即使翻譯起來文意非常不通順,她仍然照著自己錯誤的理解翻譯.加上譯者並沒有確實做到查字典的功夫.所以就做出錯誤的翻譯.讀者在接觸到中文譯本時.將無法了解原文作者的本意,譯者在此犯的錯誤將成造讀者在閱讀上的困擾。
One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (minute)
▸ adjective: infinitely or immeasurably small ("Two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm")
▸ adjective: immeasurably small
minute(形容詞): 微小的,異常小的,極小的。例詞:minute organisms 微生物very minute changes of temperature 溫度的細微變化
One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (nature)
▸ noun: the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions ("It is his nature to help others")
▸ noun: the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized ("It is the nature of fire to burn")
▸ noun: a particular type of thing ("He's interested in trains and things of that nature")
▸ noun: the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc. ("They tried to preserve nature as they found it")
▸ noun: a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe ("The laws of nature")
3.experience的字義One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (experience)
▸ noun: the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities ("A man of experience")
▸ noun: the content of direct observation or participation in an event ("He had a religious experience")
▸ noun: an event as apprehended ("A surprising experience")
Part I
原文:The challenge of mapping this world--locating the precise brain activity that creates specific experiences and behavioural responses—is currently engaging some of the finest scientists in the world. This book brings news of their discoveries in a way that will make them comprehensible even to those with no knowledge of, or specific interest in, science.(P-1)
1. locating the precise brain activity that creates specific experiences and behavioural responses原譯為特定區域的腦部活動會創造出特定的經驗與行為反應,並未將locating譯出,使得上下文不連貫,顯得這句話有點突兀。
2. is currently engaging some of the finest scientists in the world.原譯為目前吸引了全球最優秀的科學家們日以繼夜的工作。看原文並未提及科學家們日以繼夜的工作。我想譯者又過度詮釋了。3. This book brings news of their discoveries in a way that will make them comprehensible even to those with no knowledge of, or specific interest in, science.原譯為本書的目的就是想把這些新訊息帶給大眾,包括原來不具背景知識,或對科學沒有興趣的人。原譯者並未將in a way that will make them comprehensible譯出,意思表達有些模糊。
Part II
原譯:當然,在歷史上,人們一直想要達到這樣的夢想 –用藥物、尋找刺激和禪坐的方式來改變我們的意識。而現在,透過大腦地圖有可能達到上述的目的,而且沒有壞的副作用。這對於個人、社會和政治上的意義非常重大。這個新世紀我們所要面對的最大的道德倫理挑戰,就是要決定該怎麼應用這個新工具。(P-14)
原文:This is an old ambition, of course, reflected in our perpetual attempts to alter our consciousness through drugs, sensation-seeking and self-entrancement. What is new is that brain mapping may soon makes it possible without any of the usual drawbacks. The personal, social and political implications of this are awesome, and one of the most serious ethical questions we will face in the new century is deciding how this powerful new tool should be deployed.(P-2)
評析:Self-entrancement 翻為禪坐不適當,字尾trance的意思包括催眠狀態。冥想以及一鐘類似神志昏迷的狀態
See: http://www.answers.com/topic/trance - trance
1. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.
2. Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.
3. A semiconscious state, as between sleeping and waking; a daze.tr.v., tranced, trancing, trances.To put into a trance; entrance.[Middle English traunce, from Old French transe, passage, fear, vision, from transir, to die, be numb with fear, from Latin trānsīre, to go over or across. See transient.]trancelike trance'like' adj.
Part III
原文:The more optimistic of today’s brain explorer believe that when , or if, all of this is brought together – when each minute brain component has been located, its function identified and its interaction with each other component made clear– the resulting description will contain all there is to know about human nature and experience. Others think this reductionist approach will never fully explain why we feel and behave as we do, let alone yield the secret of the brain’s most extraordinary product – consciousness. By their lights, a map of the brain can tell us no more about the mind than a terrestrial globe speaks of Heaven and Hell. (P-3)
評析:minute在當形容詞的時候,指的是 immeasurably small,所以原文 《when each minute brain component has been located, its function identified and its interaction with each other component made clear…》洪蘭翻譯為《假如能夠知道每一分鐘大腦零件在做什麼 它跟別的部位的互動又是什麼時 》應為誤譯。這是本段譯文中,最重大的錯誤。
洪蘭之所以會犯這樣的錯誤應該是因為譯者本身英文程度有限..見到whenevery minute brain component... 就直接以為when every minute...一定是搭配在一起的...即使翻譯起來文意非常不通順,她仍然照著自己錯誤的理解翻譯.加上譯者並沒有確實做到查字典的功夫.所以就做出錯誤的翻譯.讀者在接觸到中文譯本時.將無法了解原文作者的本意,譯者在此犯的錯誤將成造讀者在閱讀上的困擾。
One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (minute)
▸ adjective: infinitely or immeasurably small ("Two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm")
▸ adjective: immeasurably small
minute(形容詞): 微小的,異常小的,極小的。例詞:minute organisms 微生物very minute changes of temperature 溫度的細微變化
One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (nature)
▸ noun: the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions ("It is his nature to help others")
▸ noun: the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized ("It is the nature of fire to burn")
▸ noun: a particular type of thing ("He's interested in trains and things of that nature")
▸ noun: the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc. ("They tried to preserve nature as they found it")
▸ noun: a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe ("The laws of nature")
3.experience的字義One Look Dictionary:Quick definitions (experience)
▸ noun: the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities ("A man of experience")
▸ noun: the content of direct observation or participation in an event ("He had a religious experience")
▸ noun: an event as apprehended ("A surprising experience")
2008年10月29日 星期三
養男育女調不同評析 (續)
6. 原譯:在過去的二十年裡,早期認為所有孩子一出生時都是以男性為底的錯誤觀念已經崩盤了。(p.50)
原文:Over the past twenty years the scientific foundation underlying the belief that all children are androgynous at birth has crumbled away.(p.26)
評析: androgynous根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:1.【植】雌雄同序的2.【動】雌雄同體的3.【醫】兩性畸形的,半陰陽的,男子女化的4.【服飾等】為兩性所用的,男女不分的。
adjective: having both male and female characteristics
7. 原譯:過去,人們相信用得越多的部位會越大,莫畢士醫師的智慧與大腦成正比的假設就是這種看法的一個化身。(p.56)
原文:”The more you use it, the bigger it will be.” One widely held belief about brain anatomy is that the more you use a particular area of the brain, the larger that area of the brain will be. (Dr. Mobius’s assumption that overall brain size correlates with overall intelligence is a corollary of this belief.)(p.32)
▸ noun: (logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition▸ noun: a practical consequence that follows naturally ("Blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love")
8. 原譯:這些看法都是錯的,我的意思是這些看法背後並沒有科學根據。(p.58)
原文:Many of those assumptions are wrong—by which I mean that there is good science to refute them.(p.33)
評析:by which I mean that there is good science to refute them. 原譯這些看法背後並沒有科學根據。以這句話字面的意思我覺得應為:我的意思是有充分的科學根據可以來駁倒這些假定。至於上述看法(假定)是否一定是沒有科學根據,從原文來看,並不清楚。
6. 原譯:在過去的二十年裡,早期認為所有孩子一出生時都是以男性為底的錯誤觀念已經崩盤了。(p.50)
原文:Over the past twenty years the scientific foundation underlying the belief that all children are androgynous at birth has crumbled away.(p.26)
評析: androgynous根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:1.【植】雌雄同序的2.【動】雌雄同體的3.【醫】兩性畸形的,半陰陽的,男子女化的4.【服飾等】為兩性所用的,男女不分的。
adjective: having both male and female characteristics
7. 原譯:過去,人們相信用得越多的部位會越大,莫畢士醫師的智慧與大腦成正比的假設就是這種看法的一個化身。(p.56)
原文:”The more you use it, the bigger it will be.” One widely held belief about brain anatomy is that the more you use a particular area of the brain, the larger that area of the brain will be. (Dr. Mobius’s assumption that overall brain size correlates with overall intelligence is a corollary of this belief.)(p.32)
▸ noun: (logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition▸ noun: a practical consequence that follows naturally ("Blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love")
8. 原譯:這些看法都是錯的,我的意思是這些看法背後並沒有科學根據。(p.58)
原文:Many of those assumptions are wrong—by which I mean that there is good science to refute them.(p.33)
評析:by which I mean that there is good science to refute them. 原譯這些看法背後並沒有科學根據。以這句話字面的意思我覺得應為:我的意思是有充分的科學根據可以來駁倒這些假定。至於上述看法(假定)是否一定是沒有科學根據,從原文來看,並不清楚。
2008年10月24日 星期五
養男育女調不同的英文版(Why gender matters)終於買到了。迫不及待地對照看看中英文版的部分內容。我覺得就豐富知識的層面來看,譯者洪蘭女士確實扮演一個很重要的角色,但是就其譯作內容部分,卻也難免發生未盡達意或值得探討之翻譯。茲分別說明如下
1. 原譯:在過去的十年裡,十八歲以下的男孩因濫用毒品而被逮捕的次數增加了百分之五十以上;(p.30)
原文:the number of boys under eighteen arrested for drug abuse offenses has increased by more than 50 percent in the past ten years;(p.8)
評析:the number of boys 應該是男孩的人數,而不是次數。
2. 原譯:這個性別上的差距在英國、澳洲、紐西蘭和加拿大也可以看見,而且男生上大學和進研究所的比例一直在下降。(p.30)
原文:Similar gender gaps have been documented in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. And the percentage of boys going on to college, and graduating from college, is falling.(p.8)
評析:documented根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:用文件證明,原譯並未將這個概念譯出來。又graduating from college, 應該是從大學畢業,而不是進研究所。
3. 原譯:許多校長和老師根本不願意承認當一個孩子走進教室時,她身上已有不同的需求、不同的能力和不同的目標。(p.31)
原文:many administrators and teachers don’t fully appreciate that girls and boys enter the classroom with different needs, different abilities, and different goals.(p.9)
評析:appreciate根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:(充分)意識到、領會、體會、覺察。以及http://www.onelook.com/?w=appreciate&ls=a 解釋為
verb: increase the value of ("The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark")
▸ verb: gain in value ("The yen appreciated again!")
▸ verb: be fully aware of; realize fully ("Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?")
▸ verb: recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
▸ verb: hold dear
4. 原譯:過去三年裡,我到過美國和加拿大的許多學校演講,告訴老師男生和女生如何學習。(p.32)
原文:For the past three years I’ve been invited to schools around the United States and Canada to speak to teachers about differences in how girls and boys learn.(p.9-10)
評析:about differences in how girls and boys learn,原譯者並未將其重點differences翻譯出來,原文所要表達者為男生女生在如何學習這方面的差異。
5. 原譯:假如一個四十三歲的男人用他認為正常的聲音對一個十七歲的女孩說話,這個女孩感受到的是會比男生聽到的大十倍。他的確在對她吼,只是他不自覺:父親和女兒對同樣的聲音有著兩種不同的經驗。(p.41)
原文:If a forty-three-year-old man speaks in what he thinks is a “normal tone of voice” to a seventeen-year-old girl, that girl is going to experience his voice as being about ten times louder than what the man is hearing, He is yelling at her, but he doesn’t realize it. The father and his daughter are experiencing the same sound in two different ways.
1. 原譯:在過去的十年裡,十八歲以下的男孩因濫用毒品而被逮捕的次數增加了百分之五十以上;(p.30)
原文:the number of boys under eighteen arrested for drug abuse offenses has increased by more than 50 percent in the past ten years;(p.8)
評析:the number of boys 應該是男孩的人數,而不是次數。
2. 原譯:這個性別上的差距在英國、澳洲、紐西蘭和加拿大也可以看見,而且男生上大學和進研究所的比例一直在下降。(p.30)
原文:Similar gender gaps have been documented in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. And the percentage of boys going on to college, and graduating from college, is falling.(p.8)
評析:documented根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:用文件證明,原譯並未將這個概念譯出來。又graduating from college, 應該是從大學畢業,而不是進研究所。
3. 原譯:許多校長和老師根本不願意承認當一個孩子走進教室時,她身上已有不同的需求、不同的能力和不同的目標。(p.31)
原文:many administrators and teachers don’t fully appreciate that girls and boys enter the classroom with different needs, different abilities, and different goals.(p.9)
評析:appreciate根據東華英漢大辭典的解釋為:(充分)意識到、領會、體會、覺察。以及http://www.onelook.com/?w=appreciate&ls=a 解釋為
verb: increase the value of ("The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark")
▸ verb: gain in value ("The yen appreciated again!")
▸ verb: be fully aware of; realize fully ("Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?")
▸ verb: recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
▸ verb: hold dear
4. 原譯:過去三年裡,我到過美國和加拿大的許多學校演講,告訴老師男生和女生如何學習。(p.32)
原文:For the past three years I’ve been invited to schools around the United States and Canada to speak to teachers about differences in how girls and boys learn.(p.9-10)
評析:about differences in how girls and boys learn,原譯者並未將其重點differences翻譯出來,原文所要表達者為男生女生在如何學習這方面的差異。
5. 原譯:假如一個四十三歲的男人用他認為正常的聲音對一個十七歲的女孩說話,這個女孩感受到的是會比男生聽到的大十倍。他的確在對她吼,只是他不自覺:父親和女兒對同樣的聲音有著兩種不同的經驗。(p.41)
原文:If a forty-three-year-old man speaks in what he thinks is a “normal tone of voice” to a seventeen-year-old girl, that girl is going to experience his voice as being about ten times louder than what the man is hearing, He is yelling at her, but he doesn’t realize it. The father and his daughter are experiencing the same sound in two different ways.
2008年10月13日 星期一
《養男育女調不同》Leonard Sax/著 洪蘭譯 翻譯問題-1
《養男育女調不同》Leonard Sax/著 洪蘭譯
2008年10月10日 星期五
上星期六老師介紹許多有關神經認知科學的書,包括:Lynne Mc Taggart著梁永安譯「念力的秘密」、33歲賺足一生的財富-Jim Rogers所著「A Gift to My Children」及T. Harv Eker著陳佳伶譯之「有錢人想的和你不一樣」等等,因為課堂上老師播放T. Harv Eker演講的片段,令我印象深刻,而且我覺得每個人都喜歡錢,為什麼有錢的人這麼有錢,窮人卻總是為生活所苦,這中間所蘊藏之思維方式、心理運作有何不同,頗堪玩味,於是回家就把T. Harv Eker的演講完整聽一遍,並迅速瀏覽上網購得之中譯本,真的也,有錢人想的跟窮人確實不一樣,茲說明如下:
一、 金錢藍圖:
二、 財富檔案:有錢人和窮人不一樣之17種思考方式和行為
1. 有錢人相信:「我創造我的人生。」窮人相信:「人生發在我身上。」
2. 有錢玩金錢遊戲是為了贏。窮人玩金錢遊戲是為了不輸。
3. 有錢人努力讓自己有錢。窮人一直想要變有錢。
4. 有錢人想得很大。窮人想得很小。
5. 有錢人專注於機會。窮人專注於障礙。
6. 有錢人欣賞其他的有錢人和成功人士。窮人討厭有錢人和成功人士。
7. 有錢人與積極的成功人士交往。窮人與消極的人或不成功的人交往。
8. 有錢人樂意宣傳自己和自己的價值觀。窮人把推銷和宣傳看成不好的 事。
9. 有錢人大於他們的問題。窮人小於他們的問題。
10. 有錢人是很棒的接受者。窮人是差勁的接受者。
11. 有錢人選擇根據結果拿酬勞。窮人選擇根據時間拿酬勞。
12. 有錢人想著:「如何兩個都要?」窮人想著:「如何二選一?」
13. 有錢人專注於自己的淨值。窮人專注於自己的工作收入。
14. 有錢人很會管理他們的錢。窮人很會搞丟他們的錢。
15. 有錢人讓錢幫他們辛苦工作。窮人辛苦工作賺錢。
16. 有錢人就算恐懼也採取行動。窮人卻讓恐懼擋住了他們的行動。
17. 有錢人持續學習成長。窮人認為他們已經知道一切。
上星期六老師介紹許多有關神經認知科學的書,包括:Lynne Mc Taggart著梁永安譯「念力的秘密」、33歲賺足一生的財富-Jim Rogers所著「A Gift to My Children」及T. Harv Eker著陳佳伶譯之「有錢人想的和你不一樣」等等,因為課堂上老師播放T. Harv Eker演講的片段,令我印象深刻,而且我覺得每個人都喜歡錢,為什麼有錢的人這麼有錢,窮人卻總是為生活所苦,這中間所蘊藏之思維方式、心理運作有何不同,頗堪玩味,於是回家就把T. Harv Eker的演講完整聽一遍,並迅速瀏覽上網購得之中譯本,真的也,有錢人想的跟窮人確實不一樣,茲說明如下:
一、 金錢藍圖:
二、 財富檔案:有錢人和窮人不一樣之17種思考方式和行為
1. 有錢人相信:「我創造我的人生。」窮人相信:「人生發在我身上。」
2. 有錢玩金錢遊戲是為了贏。窮人玩金錢遊戲是為了不輸。
3. 有錢人努力讓自己有錢。窮人一直想要變有錢。
4. 有錢人想得很大。窮人想得很小。
5. 有錢人專注於機會。窮人專注於障礙。
6. 有錢人欣賞其他的有錢人和成功人士。窮人討厭有錢人和成功人士。
7. 有錢人與積極的成功人士交往。窮人與消極的人或不成功的人交往。
8. 有錢人樂意宣傳自己和自己的價值觀。窮人把推銷和宣傳看成不好的 事。
9. 有錢人大於他們的問題。窮人小於他們的問題。
10. 有錢人是很棒的接受者。窮人是差勁的接受者。
11. 有錢人選擇根據結果拿酬勞。窮人選擇根據時間拿酬勞。
12. 有錢人想著:「如何兩個都要?」窮人想著:「如何二選一?」
13. 有錢人專注於自己的淨值。窮人專注於自己的工作收入。
14. 有錢人很會管理他們的錢。窮人很會搞丟他們的錢。
15. 有錢人讓錢幫他們辛苦工作。窮人辛苦工作賺錢。
16. 有錢人就算恐懼也採取行動。窮人卻讓恐懼擋住了他們的行動。
17. 有錢人持續學習成長。窮人認為他們已經知道一切。

2008年10月3日 星期五
一、聽覺的不同:有些研究者相信在嬰兒的搖籃放輕柔的音樂可以幫助嬰兒放 鬆,有可能可以增加嬰兒的食慾,使他長得快一點。肯恩測試這個假設發現果然有聽音樂的那組長得較快也較少併發症。同時,他也發現音樂治療對女嬰有效,對男嬰無效,惟她並未提到性別差異問題。然而為什麼會有這種差異呢?最可能的解釋是男嬰對那些音樂並沒有聽得很清楚,至少沒有像女嬰聽得那麼好。實驗發現,當一個人聽到聲音時,她的腦幹會立刻起反應,這叫「大腦聲音反應」,女嬰的大腦聲音反應比男升高百分之八十,此外女嬰的聽力也比男嬰敏感很多。所以由於男女聽力有別,和孩子講話的方式就要不同,而在課堂教學上也應該有不同之策略。
一、聽覺的不同:有些研究者相信在嬰兒的搖籃放輕柔的音樂可以幫助嬰兒放 鬆,有可能可以增加嬰兒的食慾,使他長得快一點。肯恩測試這個假設發現果然有聽音樂的那組長得較快也較少併發症。同時,他也發現音樂治療對女嬰有效,對男嬰無效,惟她並未提到性別差異問題。然而為什麼會有這種差異呢?最可能的解釋是男嬰對那些音樂並沒有聽得很清楚,至少沒有像女嬰聽得那麼好。實驗發現,當一個人聽到聲音時,她的腦幹會立刻起反應,這叫「大腦聲音反應」,女嬰的大腦聲音反應比男升高百分之八十,此外女嬰的聽力也比男嬰敏感很多。所以由於男女聽力有別,和孩子講話的方式就要不同,而在課堂教學上也應該有不同之策略。
薩克斯醫生是單性教育的主要領導者,他所提出許多男女分班上課好處的例子,非常有說服力。不同於許多教育家和教養專家都認為性別差異應該被忽略或被抹滅,他主張父母、老師應該超越性別角色的刻板印象,要認識並且利用這個生物上的差異,來使女生成為女生,男生成為男生。 我們的任務是創造一個鼓勵和珍惜男女天生性別差異的社會,並且同時讓每個孩子都有相對公平的機會。
薩克斯醫生是單性教育的主要領導者,他所提出許多男女分班上課好處的例子,非常有說服力。不同於許多教育家和教養專家都認為性別差異應該被忽略或被抹滅,他主張父母、老師應該超越性別角色的刻板印象,要認識並且利用這個生物上的差異,來使女生成為女生,男生成為男生。 我們的任務是創造一個鼓勵和珍惜男女天生性別差異的社會,並且同時讓每個孩子都有相對公平的機會。
2008年9月29日 星期一
文章 (Atom)